How you all doing?

I know I’ve been away for a time. Because of the situation I’ve often mentioned, things got really very bad and another crisis happened. But I know, now that it was Almighty God Who took things out of my hands.

My loved one is now being properly cared for. I’ve had to do a bit of fighting for other things since, but only today, after a cornucopia of other things, I was abe by the hand of God to secure my home.

Cried my eyes out for a time when I came home as this has been a worry for me for ages. Now that I have a confirmed base, I can continue to visit my hubby in his care home, where he is getting excellent care. All my worries concerning him are over. God is so gracious and I can’t believe the heap of blessings He’s dropped on us. I only wish my loved one didn’t have dementia so I could share God’s absolute goodness with him.

There’s a hoo-hah of a wind blowing after a lovely flashy storm overnight. Had I not been so tired, I would have filmed it, it was that good. But I acted like the proverbial sloth and slept well.

Forgive me for being away so long, folks. It has been a hard couple months, or more, but we’re on the road to recovery, if ya get me. I still love the Lord and still need His mercy and lovingkindness. I need others to know how good He is, too.

Praise the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

About tellthetruth1

The blog site is up and running. Please feel free to visit if you want to know the Lord. I treasure His Scriptures and pray you do, also. I've been a Christian since October 2009. The Lord saved me that month and has led me through many things in life. The one thing I adore Him for is bringing me the Light of Salvation and for forgiving me my wickedness.
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5 Responses to How you all doing?

  1. Melissa says:

    Missed you 🙂

  2. paulfg says:

    What a sad and wonderful post. These words describe a peace, a weight lifted, something important. Something “right-er”.

  3. tellthetruth1 says:

    A weight lifted. Yeah, Paul. And that’s been a long time coming. Hate living alone, tho, can’t ever get used to that…but so grateful hubby is at last getting the care he needs. Took two strokes and a broken hip b4 anyone bothered to notice there was, actually something wrong with him.

    Long story, that one.

  4. Rebecca says:

    I am glad you are back but so sorry to hear about your recent struggles. I’ve been there with my mom. God bless you and keep writing.

  5. tellthetruth1 says:

    Oh no. She didn’t have dementia, did she? That would sadden me, Rebecca as it’s such an horrific disease. I’m so sorry to read of your former struggles, whatever the issue. Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Much love in Christ to you, and hope your foot is mended, or getting there, xxx

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