I’ve gotta be honest – this is not addressed to me! I’ve already made the huge mistake in believing a man who said he was a Christian, ended up being a bully and I was too stupid to do anything about it at the time. Truth? If you have a family who cares for you, listen to their advice. It’s probably worth hearing. If, like me, you have people who are nothing but bullies and have their own agenda, you’ll have no one to advise you, and any decision you make will be one of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Trust me. I’ve already done it, and now, if anyone ever came near me again, he’d get sent away with a loud command. I’m glad I’m too old to play this particular game any more, but if you are young and at the beginning of your adulthood, choose wisely, and may God grant you the wisdom to make better choices than I did.


Hello sister,

I just have this yearning to address you today. I don’t know if what I’m about to say really applies to you personally, but I’ll still try.
I notice things a lot, especially little things and as a brother, I can say it is with much love and concern that I say all these things to you today.
You know you are beautiful and kind, and godly and of a cheerful character, but it seems life doesn’t reward you for your goodness.
You have everything you need to lead a good life and God has blessed you with gifts and an inner peace and continous joy.

Yet, as you approach, or are now past, the age of marriage, you keep wondering why it seems the people who approach you are unserious brothers and game-players.
They come with their smiles and show of care and when you begin to…

View original post 954 more words

About tellthetruth1

The blog site is up and running. Please feel free to visit if you want to know the Lord. I treasure His Scriptures and pray you do, also. I've been a Christian since October 2009. The Lord saved me that month and has led me through many things in life. The one thing I adore Him for is bringing me the Light of Salvation and for forgiving me my wickedness.
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